Economic Driver

Arthur Guilford, regional chancellor of USFSM (center) with (left) Jack Cox of Halfacre Construction Co. and (right) C.J. Fishman of Fishman & Associates accepts the 2012 John J. Cox Community Partner of the Year Award.
Photo courtesy of USFSM
It was a proud moment for Regional Chancellor Arthur Guilford when he accepted the Economic Development Corporation of Sarasota County's 2012 Legacy Award at the group's annual meeting.
The prestigious John J. Cox Community Partner of the Year Award singled out USFSM among nine other nonprofit finalists that contribute to economic development and improving the area's quality of life. "USFSM is a key asset for nurturing and retaining talent in our community," the EDC noted. "This talent is vital as our region competes for high-impact jobs that will contribute to sustainable economic prosperity now and for future generations."
Special note was made of the university's new enhancement plans that include expansion of the campus and academic programs in the areas of leadership, scholarship and growth. "Over the next 10 years, you're going to see USFSM soar,"" Guilford told the crowd.