High Impact
From the President

Photo by Mark Wemple
As we welcome our newest students to USF, we celebrate a historic moment in the trajectory of this remarkable university — the first-ever freshman class at USF Sarasota-Manatee. This major milestone signals the beginning of an ambitious plan that will transform the Sarasota-Manatee campus into a traditional, four-year university with full-time students.
There is much to celebrate in this issue of USF Magazine. In June, we announced the successful conclusion of the first phase of the USF: Unstoppable Campaign. I have been truly overwhelmed by the generosity of so many people in this community and around the country who are committed to changing the lives of our students, as they prepare to change the lives of others.
In July, three of our graduate students from the Patel College of Global Sustainability returned from a six-week internship in Malawi, in southeast Africa. The students are assisting in the development of a sustainable tourism plan for the country’s largest national park. You will read about their experiences in one of the world’s least developed countries and their efforts to help Malawians achieve the dream of a brighter future.
In this issue you will also read about fascinating prosthetic research to benefit military amputees. The research currently under way in the School of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences could have implications for injured soldiers who wish to return to active duty, as well as civilian amputees who want to participate in intense athletic activities.
We have so much good news to share. I know you will be interested to read about music major Paul Gavin who performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., this summer; a $4.2 million federal grant to help uninsured individuals access healthcare coverage; new labs at Mote Marine Laboratory, and so much more.
There’s no question in my mind — it’s going to be another exceptional and exciting year at USF!