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About USF Magazine
USF Magazine is published by USF News quarterly. The magazine's focus is to let friends, alumni, faculty, staff and the public know about the great stories happening at the University of South Florida, to highlight high impact activities and major initiatives and programs within the USF System.
USF Magazine is mailed free of charge to members of the USF Alumni Association.
For information about USF Magazine and permission to reprint USF Magazine content, contact USF News. To submit story ideas, please email USF News or call University Communications & Marketing at 813-974-4014.
Publisher Michael Hoad
Executive Editor Peter E. Howard
Managing Editor Ann Carney
Design Editor Anne Scott
Contributing Writers Anne DeLotto-Baier, Lorie Briggs, Vickie Chachere, Ashlea Hudak, Christine Manring, Tom Scherberger, Tom Zebold
Contributing Photographers and Designers Aimee Blodgett, Katy Hennig, Eric Younghans, Nick Trobiano, Charlotte Koh
USF System Administration
Judy Genshaft, President
Ralph Wilcox, Provost and Executive Vice President
John Long, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Karen Holbrook, Senior Vice President for Global Affairs and International Research
Stephen Klasko, Senior Vice President for USF Health
Joel Momberg, Senior Vice President for University Advancement
Margaret Sullivan, Regional Chancellor for USF St. Petersburg
Arthur Guilford, Regional Chancellor for USF Sarasota-Manatee
David Touchton, Interim Campus Executive Officer for USF in Lakeland
USF Board of Trustees
S. Elizabeth Bird
W. Gene Engle
Brian Goff
Stephanie E. Goforth
Brian D. Lamb
Rhea F. Law, Esq.
Stephen J. Mitchell, Esq.
Harold W. Mullis, Esq., Vice Chair
John B. Ramil, Chair
Louis S. Saco, M.D.
Debbie N. Sembler
Byron E. Shinn
Jordan B. Zimmerman
Contact USF Magazine
University Communications & Marketing
4202 E. Fowler Ave., CGS 301
Tampa, Florida 33620-4301
(813) 974-4014
Contact the USF Alumni Association
Gibbons Alumni Center
4202 E. Fowler Ave., ALC100
Tampa, Florida 33620-5455
(813) 974-2100 | (800) 299-BULL (2855)
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