Students: Student Heroes

Photo by Wayne Espinola | Courtesy of the Division of Student Affairs
University of South Florida students Scott Stiefeld, an exercise science major graduating in May; Heather Mallard, a sophomore studying communication sciences and disorders; and Luis Llerena, a senior majoring in business management, recently had lunch with USF President Judy Genshaft, who recognized the students for their quick action in attending to an individual who collapsed while working out at the Recreation Center. The quick action of the three students, performing CPR and other measures, is credited with saving the individual's life. In a letter to Eric Hunter, director of the Rec Center, Dr. Damian Caraballo, an emergency room physician at Florida Hospital Tampa, commended the students. "Although at the time the prognosis appeared grim, the patient was revived after 1.5 hours of life-saving CPR and medications," Caraballo said. "I know for a fact our patient would have died without your staffs' quick thinking and responsive…care."